London / Europe

Paris Cardinal: Islamists Worship a ‘God of Death’

Mincing no words, French Cardinal André Vingt-Trois told the Christian faithful this week that jihadists “wrap themselves in the trappings of religion” while announcing a “God of death,” whom the prelate compared to the ancient pagan god “Moloch”—who demanded live human sacrifices as a tribute.


British Pokemon GO Players Robbed At Gunpoint

LONDON, July 30 (Reuters) – Three teenagers playing the hit game Pokemon GO have been robbed at gunpoint in a north London park and forced to hand over their mobile phones, British police said on Saturday. Armed robberies are rare

Pokemon Go

Wake-Up Call: The EU Must Change or Collapse

The United Kingdom’s decision to Vote Leave in the referendum on June 23rd should have been a wake-up call for EU leaders. In the largest election turnout in the history of the UK, 17.4 million people chose to leave an organisation which they believe is detrimental to their interests.
