Abraham Lincoln - Page 2

Nolte: UW-Madison Students Demand Removal of Lincoln Statue

A case also needs to be made to these fascist snowflakes and cry-bullies that their feelings are their problem. It’s not up to the rest of us to constantly accommodate their precious feelings. They need to grow a thicker skin and leave the rest of us alone.

Abraham Lincoln statue, Wisconsin

Kirk: Trump Defying Rules of Aging

Something I’ve heard discussed since I was a child in my parent’s family room is how presidents dramatically age while in office.  While it is true that everyone “looks” different after four-to-eight years of life, presidents seem to age more dramatically than the rest of us.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 23: U.S. President Donald Trump holds a listening session on health

Pinkerton: The American System for a More Perfect Union

The aspirational nature of the entire American Experiment is made plain in the words in the Constitution’s Preamble: “a more perfect union.”  We’re always striving to make a more perfect union, which is why it is important to understand the the economic theory that did the most to expand prosperity and greatness. It was called the American System.

Pedro Solorzaro, of Mexico, Nola Davis, of Nigeria, and Hanna Simic, of Bosnia, from left,