EXCLUSIVE: Women Vote Trump PAC Endorses Texas Candidate Chip Roy for Congress
Trump-supporting PAC Women Vote Trump has endorsed former chief of staff for Sen. Ted Cruz, Chip Roy for Congress in Texas’ 21st congressional district.

Trump-supporting PAC Women Vote Trump has endorsed former chief of staff for Sen. Ted Cruz, Chip Roy for Congress in Texas’ 21st congressional district.
Conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham formally endorsed primary challenger to Sen. Jeff Flake, Dr. Kelli Ward, in a tweet on Tuesday.
A recent poll in Texas shows that 45 percent of likely voters say they have a “favorable” opinion of Senator Ted Cruz. Those numbers are up 10 percent after his speech at the GOP convention where he told Republicans to “vote your conscience.”
“As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world,” the letter states. “For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief.”
Three parents whose children lost their lives at the hands of illegal aliens endorsed Dr. Kelli Ward to replace John McCain in the U.S. Senate.
Libertarian icon and former candidate for President of the United States Ron Paul is endorsing Dr. Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate from Arizona in the Republican primary against five-term incumbent Sen. John McCain.
Mississippi State Senator Chris McDaniel endorsed Dr. Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate in an announcement released Tuesday as the former Arizona State Senator seeks to unseat five-term incumbent Sen. John McCain.
Pro-family conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Dr. Kelli Ward in her campaign to replace incumbent John McCain in the U.S. Senate.
California Governor Jerry Brown announced his official endorsement of the state’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris, for U.S. Senate on Monday over U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA).
Texas Governor Greg Abbott said it is time for the GOP to support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. He said there was no option to sit it out saying, “We have no second chance to get this right.”
California political insider James Lacey announced Thursday on Varney & Company that former House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa has endorsed Donald Trump for President.
Ted Cruz for President supporter Rep. Louie Gohmert said that if Donald Trump apologizes for “accusing the most honorable guy in the race of all kinds of dishonesty,” then he will come on board and support the now presumptive Republican Party nominee.
Former Texas Governor, and Republican presidential candidate, Rick Perry has endorsed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
The Club for Growth PAC joined the drip drip of establishment figures lining up behind presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, as he remains the closest alternative to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is endorsing Sen. Ted Cruz for president, adding to a trend of establishment figures slowly coalescing around the constitutional conservative.
Utah Rep. Mia Love (R) will vote for Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz in Tuesday’s primary caucus since Sen. Marco Rubio, whom she previously endorsed, has dropped out of the race for the nomination.
Sen. Marco Rubio exited the race for the Republican nomination on Tuesday, and now sources familiar with both Rubio and his rival candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, indicate that an endorsement is in the works.
Sen. Marco Rubio denied a report from the Huffington Post that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney was expected to endorse him for president.
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is finally getting off the sidelines to endorse Sen. Marco Rubio, in a final effort to defeat Donald Trump after the billionaire took early states in New Hampshire and South Carolina by storm.
A Republican National Committee Parliamentarian was brought in, and members of the small 5-person Arizona GOP Resolutions Committee voted to kill a movement to endorse “Anyone but Senator John McCain” at Saturday’s Arizona State Republican Party meeting.
Ambassador John Bolton is endorsing three congressional candidates including Senator John McCain, who’s facing a primary challenge in Arizona.