Free Exercise Clause

Supreme Court Takes Free Speech Cases on Abortion, Property Rights, Gadsden Flag, and Voter ID

The Supreme Court added three political-speech cases on Monday to its oral argument docket this year, granting review in one involving pro-life pregnancy centers, another where a man was arrested while criticizing his local government for corruption at a public meeting, and a third where state law prohibited a man from wearing the Gadsden flag or a voter-ID button when he went to his polling place to vote.

In this July 12, 2008 file photo, a gavel rests on the table of a model court room at Mexi

Big Cases Still Waiting for Supreme Court Decisions in 2017

Seventeen cases from this year’s Supreme Court term are still pending, with decisions expected in the next eight days. Religious liberty, the constitutional rights of illegal aliens, and free-speech rights to express messages some people find offensive are several of the high-profile issues raised in the remaining cases.

WASHINGTON, DC-JAN 27: President Trump will most likely fill a vacancy on the Supreme Cour

Supreme Court to Hear Cases on Religious Liberty, Public Corruption

WASHINGTON—Former Gov. Bob McDonnell’s (R-VA) bribery conviction, as well as the constitutionality of state laws banning money from going to religious schools, have joined the Supreme Court’s docket, as the justices on Friday filled eight spots on their docket for cases to be decided by the time the current year’s term ends in June.
