Inauguration - Page 2

Lady Gaga Will Sing National Anthem at Biden Inauguration

Lady Gaga will sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” during Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony next week, the president-elect’s inauguration committee has announced. In addition, Jennifer Lopez will perform during the ceremony, though organizers didn’t say what she will sing.

US singer Lady Gaga performs prior to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaking

Airbnb to Ban People Linked with ‘Violent Activities’ Ahead of Inauguration

Airbnb announced on Monday that it would be reviewing reservations in the Washington DC area ahead of the presidential inauguration and will ban any guests it believes are associated with “hate groups” or violent activity. The company is also cross-referencing arrest records from the Capitol Hill incident with its customer base to ban attendees from using the platform in the future.

Brian Chesky CEO of Airbnb