Republicans Cast 800K More Ballots than Democrats During Early Voting in Florida
Republicans in Florida cast approximately 800,000 more ballots during early voting than Democrats as of Friday afternoon.

Republicans in Florida cast approximately 800,000 more ballots during early voting than Democrats as of Friday afternoon.
A conservative PAC is adopting a technologically-savvy strategy of Democrats to encourage turnout for Donald Trump in crucial swing states.
Over half of GOP voters and those who lean Republican say, “Human life begins at conception, so an embryo is a person with rights.”
A bill from Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) would explode the level of so-called “chain migration” into the United States despite opposition from a majority of likely voters. Chain migration allows naturalized American citizens to sponsor an unlimited number of foreign relatives for green cards to resettle in the U.S.
Deploying United States Armed Forces to the nation’s southern border to combat drug trafficking and cut illegal immigration is the most popular policy position that GOP presidential primary candidates can take, an NBC News poll reveals.
The RNC has “revolutionized campaign in Hispanic communities” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, Ronna McDaniel told Breitbart News.
SCOTUS’s potential decision to overrule Roe v. Wade certainly did not prompt Democrat voters to turn up at Ohio’s midterm primaries.
A recent poll from the UVA Center for Politics and the Project Home Fire found that the majority of former President Donald Trump’s voters want to secede from the blue states.
Gov. Ron DeSantis said the number of registered Republican voters in Florida is as close to its Democrat counterpart as it has ever been.
A Rasmussen poll found 83 percent of GOP voters want Trump to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court following Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.
The Georgia Republican Party is set to pass a resolution asking President Trump to impose a full immigration moratorium while about 30 million Americans remain jobless due to the Chinese coronavirus crisis.
Almost nine-in-ten Republican voters say they support President Trump’s comments directed at some Democrats this week in which he said they should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
A plurality of Republican voters, more than 3-in-7, say illegal and legal immigration hurt the United States and make the country a “worse place to live,” a new poll finds.
Reading Bill Kristol’s latest emasculated flail of a troll — the desperation, the manipulation, the intellectual dishonesty, the mind and word games, the cuddling with evil at NBC News — it all took me back to early 1985, to a guy I knew who ended up in prison.
Niall Stanage and Jonathan Swan report in The Hill that “Republican voters are finally coming home to Donald Trump after months of flagging support threatened to put the White House out of reach.”
Supporters of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump are backed by most Republican-leaning voters on four of five key issues, according to an analysis of a recent Pew data report.
Sen. Jeff Sessions slammed the “internationalist,” “corporate gurus” who run much of the U.S. media, saying that they have largely banished meaningful discussion about issues critical to Republican voters.
After spending several days in Iowa, it is clear Republican voters in the Hawkeye state – no matter which GOP presidential candidate they support – agree it’s time to rein in the federal government, especially on issues such as marriage, education and healthcare.