Social Security - Page 4

Million-dollar Welfare Fraud Schemes Roil New England

A 33-year-old convicted cocaine dealer collecting a monthly SSI handout used his state EBT welfare card to rent a bank safety-deposit box in which police have found $560,050 in cash – the latest in a series of busts in New England involving massive welfare fraud, often committed by drug dealers or recent immigrants.

AP Photo/LM Otero

EXCLUSIVE: Mike Huckabee Speaks Out on Social Security

GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee tells Breitbart News exclusively that he wanted to jump into the discussion about Social Security and Medicare during the second GOP primary debate hosted by CNN, because “it touches every American.”

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Obama’s Secret Plan To Block Seniors On Social Security From Owning Guns

If people in the Social Security system are unable to manage their own affairs because of “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease,” the Times reports, those people might find it difficult to purchase a firearm, if that information is reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

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Obama: ‘Medicare and Social Security Are Not In Crisis’

“Now, we’re often told that Medicare and Social Security are in crisis,” said Obama pointing out that it was used as an “excuse” by Republicans to cut spending. “But here’s the truth. Medicare and Social Security are not in crisis, nor have they kept us from cutting our deficits by two-thirds since I took office.”

AP Photo/Connor Radnovich

Watchdog Says Social Security Paid $20.2 Million to Ex-Nazis

In a forthcoming report triggered by an Associated Press investigation, the top watchdog at the Social Security Administration found the agency paid $20.2 million in benefits to more than 130 suspected Nazi war criminals, SS guards, and others who may have participated in the Third Reich’s atrocities during World War II.

social security

Rubio in NH: 2016 Will be a Referendum on Our Identity as a Nation

America is “engaged in a global competition” for investment and talent, Marco Rubio says, and is being held back by regulations that are crushing innovation, an excessive corporate tax rate, businesses that are not growing because of Obamacare, and energy policies that are blocking us from using our natural resources.

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