socialist - Page 3

VIDEO: ‘Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, These Racist Statues Have to Go!’

HOUSTON, Texas — Communists, Democratic Socialists, Brown Berets, anarchists, Black Lives Matter, and other supporters of the “Destroy the Confederacy!” movement marched in the sweltering 99-degree heat in Houston on Saturday to demand that city officials tear down the “Spirit


First Trump Inauguration ‘Blac Bloc’ Anarchist Sentenced to Prison

A federal judge sentenced one of the 234 people arrested during rioting in Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day to prison. The defendant admitted he joined with 200 others to form a “Black Bloc” wearing black, gloves, scarves, ski masks, gas masks, and goggles to conceal their identities. He also carried a black flag, a hammer, and a gas mask. He is the first to be sentenced in connection with the riots.

Members of the anarchist group Black Bloc protest against the FIFA World Cup in Rio de Jan

Exclusive — Officer: Left-Wing Extremists Started Sacramento Riot

A California law enforcement officer speaking exclusively to Breitbart News on condition of anonymity said that the group of 30 permitted demonstrators from the extremist Traditionalist Workers Party were physically attacked Sunday in Sacramento by a group of about 400 protesters organized by a group called By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).

BAMN (Facebook)

Bernie Sanders: SOTU Excellent, Hillary Clinton Backed by ‘Powerful Special Interests’

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders — an avowed socialist — lauded President Obama’s 2016 State of the Union address on Tuesday night before aligning himself with the President, taking a shot at fellow candidate Hillary Clinton for “wealthy and powerful” special interest financial backers, and drawing attention to Clinton’s “income inequality” inexperience.

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Alexis Tsipras to Step Down As Greek PM, Call Snap Elections

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of the socialist Syriza party will reportedly step down and call for snap elections on September 20, rocking his already crisis-riddled nation with fresh wave of political turmoil. A formal announcement of his resignation is expected Thursday afternoon, along with a televised address to the Greek people.

The Associated Press

Murrieta Protests: One Year Later, Demonstrations Return

On Wednesday, demonstrators on more than one side of the illegal immigration debate will gather again near the Border Patrol station in Murrieta, California, the site of massive protests last July 1 that began with the blocking and turning back of buses filled with illegal aliens. That event sparked swelling protests that captured the attention of the entire country.

Murrieta 2014 (Michelle Moons / Breitbart News)

KFC Sues Chinese Companies for Saying Its Chickens Have 8 Legs

Kentucky Fried Chicken’s China division is striking back against rumors that it has genetically modified chickens to grow six wings and eight legs, filling a defamation suit against three Chinese companies as the Chinese government launches a campaign a to cleanse online “rumors, negativity and unruliness.”

KFC China (AFP / Getty)