Delingpole: Globalist Puppet BoJo Brown-Noses Build Back Better
It isn’t as though the WEF has ever made any secret of its vision of a near-future where ‘You’ll own nothing and be happy’.

It isn’t as though the WEF has ever made any secret of its vision of a near-future where ‘You’ll own nothing and be happy’.
Obviously, this is tacky and crass. But importantly, what does it tell us about the mindset of Britain’s formerly great institutions?
Boris Johnson’s UK is much, much closer politically, socially and economically to Tito’s Yugoslavia than it is to Milanović’s Croatia.
Antarctica has posted its coldest winter since records began in 1957 with average temperatures of -61.1 ° C. The previous record was -60.6°C in 1976. According to a shocked Washington Post: The chill was exceptional, even for the coldest location on the planet.
The United Kingdom is currently suffering severe gas shortages. And I know just the person who could have sorted it out, if only people had listened to him…
Police in Melbourne, Australia, have reportedly been firing pepper spray and rubber bullets at men, women and children protesting against compulsory coronavirus vaccine passports.
World news: Moron begs moron to help the free world commit economic suicide as Boris flies to Washington DC…
Britain’s grotesquely overpaid, inexcusably unproductive GPs have a message for the nation: “Here is our collective middle finger. Sit on it and swivel!”
A British army general has warned that climate change could soon make it “too hot to train” at certain times of year.
This is your occasional reminder that the police are not your friend. If you’re in any doubt, check out the depressing footage of British police apparently aiding and abetting a group of climate loons as they close down a public highway…
The Conservative government is entirely devoid of principle and interested only in the pursuit and maintenance of power.
One minute it is bringing you flowers, the next it’s punching you in the stomach.
If you haven’t yet had enough creeping authoritarianism, stolen freedoms and encroaching One World Government tyranny, you are just going to LOVE Personal Carbon Allowances.
A senior medical officer has let the cat out of the bag: Australia is sliding inexorably towards a ‘New World Order.’
You’d think that the issue of ‘child brides’ was something on which every Western government could agree…
Over 200 people died in the terrible hurricane that made landfall on the Louisiana coastline. But that was 165 years ago during the Last Island hurricane of 1856. Its modern day successor Hurricane Ida has not proved nearly so deadly despite the MSM’s effort to shoehorn it into its ‘storms are getting worse and it’s all our fault’ narrative.
London’s globalist Mayor Sadiq shares their aims. So does Boris Johnson. Extinction Rebellion are pushing at an open door.
Europe’s had enough of Joe, the man whose arrival in the Oval Office they were treating like the second coming of the Messiah.
Climate change could make penises smaller but it’s OK because you too can learn to live with a smaller penis.
British police want to trawl gun owners’ social media for wrongthink after the Plymouth ‘incel’ shooting. Gosh, what could possibly go wrong?
Hitchens recognised the entire justice system is biased against law-abiding citizens, especially when they try to defend their own property.
“God has raised up a prophet in Greta Thunberg in a way that no one could predict,” former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has claimed. “She has said things no one else could have said. Thank God for her!”
Britain’s electric car roll-out is going to be a disaster for the average motorist. We knew this already but it has just been confirmed by none other than Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s own climate spokeswoman. Her name is Allegra Stratton and she has admitted in an interview that she’ll be sticking to her trusty diesel VW Golf, thank you very much, rather than experimenting with electric.
Such is the embarrassment at association with Boris Johnson’s ‘Conservative’ government, the Conservative Woman is renaming itself.
I’m old enough to remember when Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg – aka The Moggfather – was the great white hope of British conservatism.
My new hero politician (in an admittedly not very crowded field) is Gideon van Meijeren. He might be yours too after this exchange…
Eric Clapton is the new Punk. So say Right Said Fred and I’m with them all the way.
Britain’s creepily-titled Vaccines Minister, Nadhim Zahawi, has announced that from September only double-jabbed adults will be allowed into nightclubs. This, it almost goes without saying, is an announcement of the purest evil.
Rioting, looting and violence have swept two South African provinces, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Dozens of people have been killed, vital infrastructure has been destroyed and the damage runs into the billions. But it’s OK: the Imperial mother country has got South Africa’s back. Behold the latest initiative from the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office!
Graham Brady, Chairman of the 1922 Committee, has attacked the Johnson government’s draconian coronavirus policies. Delingpole smells a rat…
This is a classic case of ‘bootleggers and baptists’: two apparently opposing groups agitating for the same cause.
Once you have established a precedent for forcing people to take an injection as a condition of their employment, where do you stop?
How can the land of Liberté become just another spavined satrapy of the globalist technocratic elite’s biosecurity panopticon nightmare?
The main narrative in football is now this: everything, absolutely everything, is about racism.
Javid gave us a big clue during his first floor speech as Health Secretary, when he just couldn’t resist wheeling out ‘Build Back Better.’
Bully for BoJo and his globalist green agenda — but this isn’t a world view that any normal person in Britain actually shares.
Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters converged in Central London on Saturday. Yet again, all too predictably, it was largely ignored by the mainstream media.
This is bad news, obviously, for Hancock’s wife and children. But it’s great news for everyone else…
Meet Sir David King, climate jackal. He and his fellow scavengers are moving in to feed on the denuded carcass of our freedoms.
Major British retailer Marks & Spencer is a bastion of bourgeois respectability. It has never been edgy or fashion-forward.