Jeff Dunetz - Page 4

Articles by Jeff Dunetz

A Passover Non-Story: Moses In The Movies

Moses was screwed! There is no other way to put it. At sundown April 18th, Jews all across the world will begin the celebration of the holiday of Passover. Outside of Israel, the first two days of the holiday begin

Class Action Lawsuit Against Huffington, Should Bloggers Get Paid?

Interesting “goings on” within the blog world. Yesterday a class action lawsuit, was filed by labor activist and former Huffington Post blogger Jonathan Tasini. He seeks at least $105 million in damages from the Huffington Post and AOL for approximately

Judge Goldstone Disavows His Own Anti-Israel UN Report

Last night, Judge Richard Goldstone published a mea culpa in the pages of the Washington Post. He trashed his own report which has been used by Israel’s opponents to delegitimize the Jewish state. “We know a lot more today about

Ed Schultz: "Let's Arm The Libyan 'Freedom Fighters!'"

Just who are these people in Libya trying to overthrow Qaddafi? Our government doesn’t know but Ed Schultz does. Maybe he has a secret line into the rebel camp because he knows exactly who they are: the Libyan rebels are

Barack Obama's Oil Lease LIES!

How do you know which parts of Obama’s energy speech were either lies or misrepresentations? The parts where his mouth was moving. This morning President Obama outline his energy policy which is comprised of trying to pull the energy policy

Facebook and Support of The Third Palestinian Intifada

There is an attack against Israeli Jews happening on Facebook but the social media site refuses to shut the incitement down. Its called the Third Palestinian Intifada, and the site is almost totally in Arabic. The ‘Third Palestinian Intifada’, urges

Obama Does Not Have the Audacity To Confront Palestinian Terror

Wednesday’s terrorist bombing outside the main bus terminal in Jerusalem was not an isolated incident, it was part of a ramp-up of terrorist acts by the Palestinians during the month of March: March 6: A sanitation worker from the Jerusalem

OMG!! Helen Thomas Is In PLAYBOY!

The April Issue of Playboy which hits the newsstands today, features disgraced newswoman Helen Thomas. I know what you are thinking, suicide, volunteering to fight for the Libyan insurgents, or staring at the sun for about an hour to make

Clearing-up Today's Obama Energy Lies

This afternoon the President of the United States tried one again to mislead the public about domestic oil production and how much untapped oil is left in the ground. He said that domestic oil production is at the highest level

Kathleen Sebelius Admits The Obamacare Books Were COOKED

They screamed, they begged, cajoled but everyone called them liars. Ever since the outline of the Obamacare began to be circulated people pointed out that the $500 billion dollars of Medicare savings were being double counted in the cost estimates.

Arianna Huffington's New "Secret" Weapon For The 2012 Election

Last Sunday, while most of us were feasting on chips, seven-layer dip and the latest Super Bowl commercials, Arianna Huffington was announcing that progressive “news” site Huffington Post was purchased by AOL for $315 million dollars. When announcing the deal

Jewish Groups Repudiate Jewish Funds for Justice Anti-Beck Effort

Carried in the January 27th edition of the Wall Street Journal was an advertisement/open letter from four-hundred Rabbis organized by a socialist Jewish organization called Jewish Funds for Justice (JFJ), with strong ties to financier George Soros (the full ad

The News About Blood Libel (No, Not Sarah Palin, Time Magazine)

When the calendar approaches the Jewish Holiday of Passover there is usually much discussion and unfortunate new examples of the infamous lie against Jews, the blood libel which charges that Jews use the blood of Gentile children to make Matzo

A Modest Proposal to End The Progressive Media Tuscon Hate Talk

Note to Readers: In order to make sure this article will be read by progressives, I asked a friend of that persuasion to scrub the post below for objectionable terms so please excuse the “cross-outs” Sometimes it’s very hard not

What's Wrong With Sarah Palin Using the Term Blood Libel?

Man some people are just looking for something to pick at. As reported earlier today, Sarah Palin released a heartfelt video this morning expressing her grief over the tragedy, relaying her prayers for the wounded and families of all the