Spike in Illegal Immigration Coincides with Talk of DACA Amnesty by GOP Establishment, DHS Secretary


A steady increase in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border under President Trump’s administration has coincided with continued talks among lawmakers to give amnesty to illegal aliens.

The number of border-crossings in November 2017, Breitbart Texas reported, has risen to a staggering 39,006 illegal aliens. This puts last month’s border-crossings under Trump in-line with former President Obama’s administration when it comes to illegal immigration at the southern border.

Since April 2017, border-crossings have risen under Trump a whopping 147 percent.

Meanwhile, the increase in illegal aliens attempting to enter the U.S. through the southern border has coincided with constant discussion from the Republican establishment, Democrats, the open borders lobby, and corporate interests about giving amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens under the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in September, announced the official termination of DACA, to take place in March 2018. Since then, establishment Republicans and Democrats have sought to push the Trump administration to sign off on an amnesty.

In October, for instance, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official Michael Dougherty claimed that Trump wanted an amnesty for illegal aliens before March.

When questioned by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) whether Trump wanted DACA illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. permanently through an amnesty, Dougherty claimed: “The president, yes, would like to work with Congress to get a solution.”

Later in October, Breitbart News revealed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plot to attach an amnesty for DACA illegal aliens to a year-end spending bill, giving ammunition to Democrats who have now attempted to push the plan after Ryan failed to gain support for the deal.

Additionally, during the month of November, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen prominently promoted a DACA amnesty, saying that not only would she support the amnesty, but she would also work with Congress to help push the plan.

“I believe that we must and we owe it to them to find a permanent solution,” Nielsen said of passing a DACA amnesty that could potentially lead to a chain migration of 9.9 million to 19 million foreign nationals pouring into the U.S. legally. “It’s no way to expect anyone to live a month or two months at a time,” said Nielsen, even though the DACA work-permits each last for two years.

This week, Nielsen even admitted on Fox & Friends that illegal aliens looking to enter the U.S. through the southern border listen to Washington, D.C.’s discussions of national immigration policy to get a grasp on what time is best to illegally cross the border.

FOX & FRIENDS: When January happens and there’s a change in the administration, immediately there’s a drop [in border-crossings], but when Congress doesn’t give you the money and the people that they promised and the wall is delayed. The numbers start going up, it’s as if they’re listening — the would-be illegal crossers — are almost listening to Washington to see how they’re planning.

NIELSEN: Well, you know, we’re at such a disadvantage. They have money, they have time, and this is their job. So they do watch. They watch what’s happening in Congress. They watch what’s happening as part of our national conversation and they learn as we along. So we see more and more loopholes being exploited.

While Democrats, in November, claimed they would potentially shut down the federal government unless DACA illegal aliens were given amnesty, establishment Republicans followed their lead.

For instance, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN when asked about shutting down the government to give illegal aliens amnesty that “anything is possible.”

Also, Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) co-opted Ryan’s original plan of slipping a DACA amnesty in a year-end spending bill, announcing to the open borders lobby that he would help shut down the government if illegal aliens weren’t given amnesty by the end of the year.

Despite the continued pressure by Washington, D.C. lawmakers on Americans to support amnesty, a plurality of likely voters still believe that an amnesty would lead to more illegal immigration and increasingly oppose a government shutdown to give amnesty to DACA illegal aliens.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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