MSNBC’s Brzezinski Apologizes for Frum’s ‘Flippant’ Remarks About Fox News, Pete Hegseth
Wednesday, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski apologized following an early “Morning Joe” segment in which The Atlantic’s David Frum mocked Fox News and Pete Hegseth.

Wednesday, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski apologized following an early “Morning Joe” segment in which The Atlantic’s David Frum mocked Fox News and Pete Hegseth.
David Frum, a prominent “Never Trump” pundit and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, claimed that former President Donald Trump and his running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) “want to present themselves as near-victims of violence” following the second assassination attempt against Trump that transpired on Sunday.
David Frum, a prominent “Never Trump” pundit and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, published an article on Sunday in the Atlantic blaming former President Donald Trump for his own attempted assassination.
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger appeared to regret his very-recent endorsement of President Joe Biden, after the latter’s abysmal performance during the first 2024 presidential debate.
The morally broken David Frum thinks there should be no penalty for murdering a 30-week-old fetus and burning the body.
For some in Never Trump, the close identification of Trump with the pro-Israel cause may have prompted them to abandon it.
Taken together, only a fool would believe Hillary doesn’t have some serious health issues, and only a liar would claim she’s “vigorous.”
David Frum, a writer and editor for The Atlantic, said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday that President Donald Trump was “the fattest presidents ever.” Frum said, “One of the things Donald Trump tried to spread in 2016 was the idea
During an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) reacted to critics questioning her vote not to convict and remove President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial earlier in the day.
Neoconservative Iraq War cheerleader David Frum believes that “sham” President Donald Trump will not be able to lead America in a potential war against Iran because he has “never even aspired” to be president of the whole country.
The Blue Checkmark Snobs have no sense of humor, no sense of irreverence, and have abandoned the most American of ideals — that mocking the rulemakers and their stupid, fascist rules reminds us that we are still free.
Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), deleted a tweet on Wednesday containing a fabricated quote attributed to Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta about his secret plea agreement with Jeffrey Epstein.
Americans need to reform their immigration laws before hundreds of millions of foreigners decide to take up residence in the United States, says David Frum, an author at the pro-globalist Atlantic magazine.
David Frum, a writer and editor for The Atlantic, said on CNN Sunday that “relative to the truth,” there was a “pro-Trump bias” in the establishment media. “Relative to the truth, the prestige press in this country has a pro-Trump
Friday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” former Bush speechwriter and Atlantic writer David Frum said the current government shutdown would end with President Donald Trump backing down over his demand for funding to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Frum said, “One of Donald
The Democratic Party is refusing to help fix to the migrant-caravan crisis because they increasingly hate President Donald Trump and his lower-immigration policies, says the Atlantic magazine.
If the “senior official” who published an anonymous op-ed bashing President Donald Trump in the New York Times on Wednesday was hoping for accolades from the opposition, he or she must have been sorely disappointed, as the media’s leftists and Never Trumpers accused the author of cowardice for failing to take the extra step of removing Trump altogether.
Last week on Fox and Friends, President Trump was asked about Speaker Ryan’s proposed compromise immigration bill and the conservative alternative proposed by Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va. “I’m looking at both of them,” Trump said. “I certainly wouldn’t sign the more moderate one.”
Rolling Stone’s Jamil Smith tweeted his suspicions about the “the prolonged, poorly explained public absence” of First Lady Melania Trump on June 3.
First Lady Melania Trump’s Communications Director Stephanie Grisham condemned a “disgusting” Monday tweet from Atlantic Senior Editor David Frum containing a hypothetical situation with President Donald Trump hitting his wife.
The cult of #NeverTrump proved they are the worst experts ever with their unceasing bellowing of proclamations that said there was no way Donald Trump could win the nomination, much less the presidency.
Ostensibly conservative NeverTrump news media figures scorned Friday’s release of a declassified House Intelligence Committee memo detailing alleged abuse by senior FBI and Justice Department officials.
National Review “let themselves be turned into the propaganda wing of the neo-conservative movement” during the George W. Bush administration, while ignoring the ethnic cleansing of Iraq’s Christian communities under Bush’s watch, said John Zmirak, Senior Editor of The Stream and author of the new “Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism.”
The settled science informs us that the more often you flip a coin, the more likely it is that there will be a 50/50 split of heads to tails. In other words, if you flip a coin 20 times, the probability of achieving a ratio of 8 heads and 12 tails diminishes greatly if you flip it 40 or 60 times. The closer you get to 100 coin flips, the closer you will get to a perfect 50/50 split of heads to tails.
Sunday on CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources,” while discussing the network misreporting on alleged contacts between Donald Trump Jr. and Wikileaks, The Atlantic senior editor David Frum said the worst mistakes press organizations have made has occurred during an “overzealous effort to be fair
David Frum apologized for referencing murdered Newtown children in reacting to pro-Second Amendment news following the Alexandria attack.
Despite histrionics from the mainstream media and Democratic lawmakers over President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey last week, latest polling shows the public are greeting the “scandal” with a resounding “meh.”
CNN devoted not one, but two segments on how President Trump got two scoops of ice cream while his dinner guests only got one as the network tried to pass off a “scoop” about the president’s eating habits as news.
On May 5 David Frum tweeted that the message of Cinco de Mayo is that repelling a tyranny requires a “proper army” rather than “a bunch of NRA members.”
This week, Atlantic editor David Frum cited a five-year-old tweet by Ivanka Trump as evidence that President Donald Trump is “selling foreign policy” for “hotels and handbags.” Frum was one of the fish reeled in when Internet wags suddenly resurrected
The failed rollout of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s unpopular healthcare bill has weakened his hold on the Speakership, and could cause his replacement, says David Frum, a GOP-leaning author, a champion for pro-American immigration and labor policies, and a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush.
Monday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” political commentator David Frum, who said he still lines up on the right side of the political spectrum particularly on fiscal issues, told fill-in host Ari Melber that the protesting left should narrow down
On Wednesday, in a debate on CNN’s “New Day,” The Atlantic senior editor David Frum warned Donald Trump’s conflicts of interest abuses of power, and said the president-elect could be “driving himself” to impeachment. “[T]he thing here is not to be considered so
Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” The Atlantic senior editor David Frum warned of “recriminations” aimed at Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his supporters should Trump lose and “lose as big as he’s going to.” Frum was skeptical the movement
An anti-marijuana legalization group founded by The Atlantic senior editor David Frum and former Rep. Patrick Kennedy is gearing up to do battle this November in five states that are considering legalizing the drug for recreational use.
For daring to stray from the Liberal Thought Plantation, the efforts of the left-wing media to other and dehumanize black Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson hit a new low Saturday with The Atlantic’s David Frum making the argument that gun
Senior Editor of the Atlantic, David Frum argued that concern over Islamophobia and anti-Muslim backlash “misses what is in front of our eyes” by ignoring the hate crimes perpetrated by European Muslims on Thursday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.” Frum said that “the
David Frum, Senior Editor of the Atlantic said that Jeb Bush was “like Hillary in 2008” and that some of his positions constituted a “serious weakness” on Thursday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.” “He’s [Jeb] like Hillary in 2008. He’s the obvious frontrunner, he’s a