Robert Redford

Robert Redford for WaPo: ’45 Years After Watergate, The Truth is Again in Danger’

In a guest column for the Washington Post, actor Robert Redford describes the difficulty he had in getting Hollywood producers interested in his 1976 film All the President’s Men, which revolves around the investigation into former President Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal, and warns that 45 years after that politically momentous event, “the truth is again in danger.”


The Greens Are Losing The Culture Wars. Good.

The Green religion is dying. You can see the evidence of this in the latest Gallup survey showing the number of Americans who identify as “Environmentalist” down to 42 percent (from 78 percent in 1991). But even more telling, I

follow the money

Robert Redford: People Are ‘Seeing Climate Change from Their Homes’

Actor Robert Redford joined world leaders, legislators, and a handful of celebrities at the Cop21 international climate change conference in Paris over the weekend, where he urged attendees to “change the momentum” to halt global warming and declared that “people are feeling climate change in their own backyard, seeing climate change from their homes.”

Peter Kramer/Getty Images

CBS Bans Ads for Robert Redford’s Dan Rather ‘Truth’ Film

CBS has banned advertisements for the film Truth, which stars Robert Redford as Dan Rather and Cate Blanchett as disgraced CBS News producer Mary Mapes, during the events of a notorious discredited 2004 news story regarding former President George W. Bush’s military service record.


George Lucas: Hollywood ‘All Circus, No Substance’

In a wide-ranging interview with film critic Leonard Maltin at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, directors George Lucas and Robert Redford spoke candidly of their experiences in film, where Lucas came to the conclusion that Hollywood as a “circus.”

George Lucas Reuters