San Diego - Page 6

30 Hurried Hillary Clinton California Events in 5 Days

SACRAMENTO — Hillary Clinton has arrived in California for a campaign blitz, and is parading former President Bill Clinton ahead of the June 7 primary election — which is looking increasingly favorable to her openly socialist opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Hillary with a cell phone and Huma AP

Robert E. Lee Elementary to Be Renamed over Public Objections

Eleven months after California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) pressured the San Diego Unified School District to change the name of San Diego’s Robert E. Lee Elementary, school officials are pushing forward with the change, and despite calls from the public to keep the name.


Bernie Sanders Rallies Across Southern California

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is campaigning hard in Southern California this week, determined to fight to the finish and deny Hillary Clinton her crowning moment in the June 7 California primary, forcing a “contested convention” in Philadelphia in July.

Bernie Sanders marijuana (Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty)

Rosario Dawson Rallies Sanders Supporters Against the DNC: ‘We Haven’t Left Them, They’ve Left Us’

Actress Rosario Dawson ripped the Democratic National Committee and its chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz while introducing Bernie Sanders at a rally in San Diego Tuesday night, telling the thousands of raucous attendees that the Vermont senator’s presidential campaign has been an unqualified success in spite of the DNC’s clear preference for frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Rosario Dawson

Chargers Fans Wary of 2016 Stay-Put Plan

Bruised San Diego Chargers fans remain leery of the hope that their team will stay in town after the organization lobbied hard for a transfer to Los Angeles and lost–for the next year, at least.

Chargers fans (Denis Poroy / Associated Press)

Navy: False Shooting Threat ‘New Reality’ for U.S.

Reports of an active shooter at Navy Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) on Tuesday morning were followed by indications from two Navy spokesmen that the initial report was a false alarm, in what one called a “new reality…for the whole country.”

Navy shooting false alarm (Lenny Ignelzi / Associated Press)

Raiders May Consider Sacramento Move

The Raiders football organization is at a crossroads, and one influential radio host is suggesting that the team move from its home in Oakland to California’s capital city, Sacramento.

The Associated Press