NHS Charities Together has raised eyebrows with a disturbing advert showing Santa Claus in hospital struggling to breathe with Covid-like symptoms.
The federation of charities supporting the British socialised state healthcare provider, officially the Association of NHS Charities, gained some prominence over the course of the pandemic after Second World War veteran Captain Sir Thomas ‘Tom’ Moore raised £30 million for the NHS through it ahead of his 100th birthday.
While the organisation boasts of giving “£1million a day to the NHS” to provide “vital funds to help the NHS do more”, it has also produced a disturbing fundraising video for Christmas titled ‘The Gift’ featuring an elderly man later revealed to be Santa Claus on the brink of death in hospital.
The advert begins with an unconscious Father Christmas being rushed through a hospital corridor on oxygen while one of the clinicians around him — fully kitted out in masks and face shields — asks “Is he responding?”
He is later seen struggling around the hospital in a walker and answering letter from children from his hospital bed as he his nursed back to health, with his identity being confirmed when he sends a present to a nurse after he is discharged.
“Are you so deluded on your own hype you can’t see how disgusting this is NHS?” commented one social media user quoted by The Sun.
“The NHS have now hijacked Santa and given him Covid to raise money for their charity… Guaranteed to scare the hell out of little ones if they watch it,” added another.
“Disgusting idea that targets the fears of the very young. Massive own goal.”
The charity has for the time being stuck by its traumatic Christmas message, however, insisting that it was “delighted to share our Christmas campaign and video, which has been made possible thanks to generous brand partners.”
“We adore the ad and dedicate it to all NHS workers who’ve given everything to care and keep us safe,” they added.
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