
China Cracks Down on Millennial Anti-Work Movement

Chinese internet censors are deleting online forums promoting the millennial phenomenon known as “lying flat,” in which young Chinese people quit their jobs to opt out of an overworked lifestyle the Chinese Communist Party has pushed in recent years, the Hindustan Times reported Tuesday.

home office under the coronavirus outbreak

Washington Post: Migrant Labor Spreads Coronavirus

Low-wage migrant farm workers are spreading coronavirus through the southeast United States as they pick crops by hand, so the fix is more testing and medical care, not more labor-saving automation, according to the Washington Post.

farm workers

China Detains Three NGO Employees in Labor Crackdown

The Chinese government detained three non-governmental organization (NGO) employees in different cities last week in what appears to be a coordinated police crackdown on groups that provide training and support for migrant workers. Police questioned staffers at each office and seized documents and computers.

Mark Schiefelbein, AP

Populist Revolution: Trump Meets with Union Leaders on Day One

President Donald Trump sent a strong signal that his administration will shake up politics as usual by meeting with top union officials and key members of the Trump administration for over an hour on his first full business day in office, in a positive meeting that garnered praise from attendees.

The Associated Press

CEOs Forecast America #1 in Manufacturing as Carrier Stays in U.S.

Carrier’s announcement that it has reached a deal with President-elect Donald Trump to keep 1,000 manufacturing jobs from moving from Indiana to Mexico represents the first recognition by multi-national CEOs that the United States is forecast to be the top manufacturing location on the planet by 2020.

Carrier (Nati Harnik / Associated Press)