
PragerU Slams NewsGuard’s ‘Insidious’ Practices Aimed at Driving Conservative Media ‘Out of Business’

PragerU slammed NewsGuard, a for-profit company that is running a mass blacklisting campaign working with corporations and advertisers to strangle conservative media. PragerU is shining a light on its sly and “insidious” practices aimed at driving conservative media outlets “out of business.” The nonprofit founded by Dennis Prager has launched an X/Twitter takeover with the hashtag #EndBigTechCensorship to expose NewsGuard’s practices.

PragerU NewsGuard video

McCormick Amendment Banning Military Funding of Censorship Added to NDAA

In appearance on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM Patriot 125, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) confirmed that his amendment banning the military from working with NewsGuard, the Global Disinformation Index, and other organizations that blacklist conservative media, had been successfully added to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Rep Rich McCormick in Congress

NewsGuard Ignores Durham Report, Continues to Praise Russiagate Hoaxsters

It has been over two weeks since the publication of the Durham report hammered the final nail in the coffin of a years-long panic, largely fomented by the media, about connections between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Yet organizations that advertise themselves as impartial media watchdogs, like NewsGuard, appear to have taken little notice.

U.S. President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel laugh during a bilateral m

NewsGuard Hopes JCPA Media Cartel Will Use Its Blacklist to Exclude Publishers

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), which would create a media cartel in the U.S. empowered to collectively bargain with Big Tech for special treatment, has the support of NewsGuard, an organization that has repeatedly attempted to discredit and delegitimize conservative and independent media. NewsGuard says it would be “understandable” if the media cartel and Big Tech companies used its anti-conservative criteria to exclude publishers.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks during the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee A

Michael Hayden, Advisor to ‘Misinformation’ Watchdog NewsGuard, Says GOP More Dangerous than Al Qaeda, ISIS

Retired Gen. Michael Hayden, who directed the CIA and the NSA during his career but has since become a partisan clown, CNN talking head, and member of the advisory board for establishment media watchdog NewsGuard, recently agreed that even compared to other movements around the world, Republicans are the most “nihilistic, dangerous, and contemptible.”


Newsguard Advisory Board Member Michael Hayden Yet to Retract Biden Laptop ‘Russian Disinfo’ Claim

Former Bush Administration CIA director Michael Hayden, who spent much of the Trump years attacking and belittling Republicans, has yet to retract his claim that the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation,” despite serving on the board of Newsguard — an organization that claims to oppose the refusal to correct major errors in news stories and commentary.

NEW YORK, NY - MAY 11: Former Director of the NSA and CIA General Michael Hayden speaks on

Newsguard Defends NPR After Fake News Supreme Court Masking Story

NewsGuard, the establishment “news rating” project that claims to fight untrustworthy media outlets, is cautiously defending NPR as the establishment media outlet continues to claim that U.S. Supreme Court justices Neil Gorsuch and Sonya Sotomayor are at odds over masks, even after a statement from the two judges denying the matter.

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 23: Members of the Supreme Court pose for a group photo at the Supr