South Park

Reality Imitates ‘South Park’ as Woman Gets Pummeled in Olympic Boxing Match

Imane Khelif, an Algerian fighter who was disqualified from the International Boxing Association 2023 World Boxing Championships after failing gender-eligibility tests, beat Italian fighter Angela Carini in a boxing match at the 2024 Paris Olympics — after just 46 seconds in the fight — on Thursday, and within minutes the social media pipes were being clogged with users sharing a clip from a 2019 “South Park” episode that many say predicated men eventually box against women in professional sporting events.

MTV Entertainment StudiosComedy Central

Scrooged: Wikipedia Editors Neglect Christmas-Related Articles

Although corporate media who praise Wikipedia as a counter to “fake news” have simultaneously criticized it for perceived gaps in coverage on gender and race, the site also shows a gap in its coverage of Christmas, the most widely-celebrated holiday on Earth other than New Year’s Day. In contrast to the generally under-developed nature of the site’s Christmas content, articles covering video games and the show South Park are generally more developed.

Nativity scene virgin birth

Downtown L.A. in Biggest Building Boom since 1920s

Breitbart News recently noted that the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Santa Monica is the most expensive in the nation at $4,799.20. But it is not just Silicon Beach that is booming: the Los Angeles downtown business district (DBD) is in its biggest residential building boom since the 1920s.

Los Angeles skyline (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

South Park Shows Donald Trump Raped and Murdered

South Park’s “Where My Country Gone?” builds on last week’s assault on political correctness, by satirizing illegal immigration, Caitlyn Jenner’s driving skills, PC culture, and Donald Trump, who is depicted being raped and murdered by Mr. Garrison.

Comedy Central