Welcome to the fourth annual Breitbart News Awards for fake news, hysterical bias, preening stupidity, and bad behavior.

The low-lights are endless, but if these are still not enough for you, here are the awards from 20172018, 2019.

Click on the link below to see this year”s big winner!


2020″s “Best Hitler Impersonation” Award

2020″s “Second-Best Hitler Impersonation” Award

2020″s “Walking Co-Morbidity” Award

2020″s “Kissing Future Employer Jeff Zucker’s Ass” Award

2020″s “Say Hello to My Little Friend” Award

2020″s “Jew-Hating Homophobe Says What?” Award

2020″s “Second-Best Kissing Future Employer Jeff Zucker’s Ass” Award

2020″s “Eunuch in Rachel Maddow Glasses” Award

2020″s “Have You Seen My Penis?” Award

2020″s “LOLOLOLOLing to CNN” Award

2020″s “Best Employer of Jew-Hating Homophobe” Award

2020″s “Best Transition to a Woman” Award

2020″s “Best Double Chin” Award

2020″s “Almost as Penis-Less as Joe Scarborough” Award

2020″s “Third-Best Kissing Future Employer Jeff Zucker’s Ass” Award

2020″s “Joe McCarthy Meets Fake News” Award

2020″s “Jeff Zucker’s Ass Tastes Like Ice Cream” Award

2020″s “Second-Best Transition to a Woman” Award

2020″s “Crybabying Like a 14-Year-Old Girl” Award

2020″s “No, It Makes Him Maggie Haberman” Award

2020″s “Can’t Feel Joy” Award

2020″s “Joe McCarthy in Smart Glasses” Award

2020″s “Fauntleroy” Award

2020″s “Always Proven Wrong About Everything” Award

2020″s “Credibly-Accused Sexual Assaulter Still Works at CNNLOL” Award

2020″s “Jeff Zucker’s Ass Tastes Like Gumdrops” Award

2020″s “Protecting Sources Is so 2015” Award

2020″s “Still Dining Out on One Decent Speech Written 35-Years-Ago” Award

2020″s “Lost His Times LOLOLOLOL to Nicole Wallace” Award

2020″s “Jeff Zucker’s Ass Tastes Like Banana Cream Pie” Award

2020″s “Joe McCarthy Meets ‘Roid-Raging Half-Wit'”Award

2020″s “Makes David French Appear Manly” Award

2020″s “Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer” Award

2020″s “Watch Me Destroy My Career Like I Destroyed Newsweek” Award

2020″s “Dumbest Jew-Hating Homophobe” Award

2020″s “My Ratings Are So Bad Even Jeff Zucker Won’t Hire Me” Award

2020″s “Joe Biden”s Ass Tastes Like Cheez-Whiz” Award

2020″s “Joe McCarthy Without Testosterone” Award

2020″s “If Rachel Maddow Had a Twin Sister” Award

2020″s “For Those Wondering What Rachel Maddow Will Look Like with Gray Hair” Award

2020″s “Learn to Code” Award

2020″s “Black People Should Know Their Place” Award

2020″s “Joe Biden’s Ass Tastes Like Peppermint” Award

2020″s “Rules Are for Little People” Award

2020″s “Credibly-Accused Sexual Assaulter Says What?” Award

2020″s “Margaret Dumont” Award

2020″s “Why Are We Still Listening to this Guy?” Award

2020″s “How Did He Fit Both Those Chins in a Mask?” Award

2020″s “Meet The Dim Bulb Who Took Chuck Todd’s Times LOLOLOL” Award

2020″s “Most Satisfying Learn-to-Code Moment” Award

2020″s “Get Woke, Go Broke” Award

2020″s “Move Aside Little Lady, This Is Man’s Work” Award

2020″s “Without Nepotism She’d Be Somewhere Taking Dictation” Award

2020″s “This Is Your First Wife Off Her Zoloft” Award

2020″s “We Have the Smoking Gun that Proves Trump Does His Taxes Legally” Award

2020″s “If Jeffrey Toobin’s Little Friend Had a Goatee” Award

2020″s “If Jeffrey Toobin’s Little Friend Loved China” Award

2020″s “If Jeffrey Toobin”s Little Friend Looked Like an Aging Eddie Munster” Award

2020″s “Says the McCarthy-ite Who Colluded with the Deep State to Launch the Russia Hoax” Award

2020″s “Tater Really Wants a Netflix Deal” Award

2020″s “I’m Not Going to Be Ignored, Dan!” Award

2020″s “Two Fredos Walk into a Bar” Award

2020″s “Straight White Guy Took Her Job” Award

2020″s “Using Words He Can’t Spell” Award

2020″s “Worst Welfare Queen” Award

2020″s “Your Tax Dollars at Work” Award

2020″s “They All Look Alike to Us” Award

2020″s “Just Not In My Neighborhood” Award

2020″s “Pro-Science” Award

2020″s “Fredo Tries Math” Award

2020″s “Fine, But Kwanzaa”s Still Some Made Up Bullshit” Award

2020″s “Your First Wife After Her Third Glass of Wine” Award

2020″s “Reaping What You Sow” Award

2020″s “If Joe McCarthy Was a Welfare Queen” Award

2020″s “Top Employer of Home-Wrecking, Traitorous Liars” Award

2020″s “If Joe McCarthy Said Stupid Shit Like Democracy Dies in Darkness” Award

2020″s “Just Not Near My Home” Award

 2020″s “Just Not Near My Summer Home” Award

2020″s “Best Lying-Racist-Lunatic with Bozo Hair” Award

2020″s “Try Not to Laugh” Award

2020″s “Worst Fake Crying” Award

2020″s “Some Faces Demand Masks” Award

2020″s “Rape Denier” Award

2020″s “Stenographer-of-the-Year” Award

2020″s “What’s a Little Rape?” Award

2020″s “Best Jeffrey Toobin Impersonation” Award

2020″s “Washington Post Will Hire Anyone” Award

2020″s “Media”s Most Effective Superspreader” Award

2020″s “This Is Who These People Really Are” Award

2020″s “Walter Duranty” Award

2020″s “Jeff Zucker”s Ass Tastes Like Butterscotch” Award

2020″s “Believe No Women” Award

2020″s “Your First Wife Before Her Three Glasses of Wine” Award

2020″s “Code, Learn To” Award

2020″s “Joe Biden”s Ass Tastes Like Pumpkin Pie” Award

2020″s “Greatest Self-Own” Award

2020″s “When It Wasn”t Racist” Award

2020″s “Stealth-Editing Like the New York Times” Award

2020″s “Black Folk Need to Know Their Place” Award

2020″s “She Knows Her Pancakes” Award

2020″s “Decade”s Worst Husband and Father” Award

2020″s “Learn to Bloody Code” Award

2020″s “Failing Upwards” Award

2020″s “So Irrelevant It Didn”t Win any Breitbart Awards” Award

2020″s “The Most Trusted Name in Just Making Shit Up” Award

2020″s “Dumb as Wolf Blitzer” Award

2020″s “To The Surprise of Absolutely No One” Award

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.