Donny Deutsch - Page 2

MSNBC’s Deutsch: Tucker Carlson Is a Blowhard ‘Putz’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network contributor Donny Deutsch called Fox News host Tucker Carlson a “putz.” Monday night on his show Carlson said Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t hate America as much as media “mouth-breathers” like NBC News anchor


Donny Deutsch: Trump Doesn’t Have the ‘Cojones’ to Go to War

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network contributor Donny Deutsch said people could “feel safe,” that the ongoing conflict with Iran will not lead to war because President Donald Trump doesn’t have the “stomach or the cojones,” to enter into a military conflict. Deutsch


Deutsch: Rich White People, You Own Trump’s Racism

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network host Donny Deutsch suggested President Donald Trump was using a playbook similar to the Holocaust among other criticisms. Deutsch said, “Enough is enough, and I want to talk to the white people out there. OK?


Donny Deutsch: Trump Is ‘Neutered,’ His Base Will Erode

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network contributor Donny Deutsch said in light of the multiple investigations of President Donald Trump including his family foundation and 2017 inaugural committee, the president was “neutered.” Deutsch said, “When do voters start to realize, ‘I may

Donny Deutsch

Donny Deutsch: Trump Is ‘Repellent and Toxic’

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network contributor Donny Deutsch called President Donald Trump “repellent and toxic.” Deutsch said, “The ones who have Toxic Trump syndrome for the rest of their lives. It’s ironic. In Trump’s net worth statement, he put in there $3

Donny Deutsch