Job Creators Network - Page 2

Job Creators Network Demands Biden WH ‘Cease and Desist’ Pushing Small Businesses to Comply with Its ‘Illegal’ Vaccine Mandate

The Job Creators Network (JCN), one of the nation’s largest small business advocacy groups, filed a notice with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday and sent a letter to President Joe Biden pushing back on his administration’s “bullying of small business owners” and attempts to force them to comply with its employer vaccine mandate.


Job Creators Network Slams ‘Socialist’ Infrastructure Hoax, GOP Senators Who Voted for It: Suffering from ‘Republican Stockholm Syndrome’

Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the pro-small business group Job Creators Network, slammed the 19 Republican U.S. Senators who supported the Democrat-backed infrastructure bill as suffering from “Republican Stockholm Syndrome” and said the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill “is just table ante for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion socialist bill that will quickly follow.”

alfredo ortiz