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Artists Call for End to Oakland Evictions

Three Bay Area residents say they have collected over 1,000 signatures from local artists and have penned a letter calling on Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf to stop landlords from evicting residents of warehouses similar to the “Ghost Ship” where 36 people perished in a deadly blaze earlier this month.

Oakland fire warehouse (Eric Risberg / Associated Press)

Petition To Re-Run Referendum Hits 1,000,000

A petition to subvert British democracy and insist on a re-run of the EU referendum has now hit over one million signatures. The petition, set up by student William Oliver Healey, is entitled: “EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum”


The Left’s Crazy, Hate-Filled Reaction to My Supreme Court Petition

Like for many conservatives, the Supreme Court’s recent liberty-crushing rampage was an incredibly difficult pill for me to swallow. Having to listen to the continuous parade of mainstream media pundits trot out their prized leftist activists to tell us all how common interpretations held by the public and the courts had been completely wrong for more than 200 years was nauseating to say the least.

The Associated Press