Wikipedia Community Considers Deleting Entry on Mass Killings Under Communism over Claims of ‘Bias’
The Wikipedia entry for “mass killings under Communist regimes” is reportedly under threat of being removed from the platform over claims of bias.

The Wikipedia entry for “mass killings under Communist regimes” is reportedly under threat of being removed from the platform over claims of bias.
Friday was World Environment Day, apparently, and, to celebrate, the leader of the world’s fifth-largest economy has promised to commit green suicide
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) explained how “history is replete with examples of socialism gone awry” in an exclusive interview on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Sunday.
Recently, the President of the United States stated that he is a nationalist. That sent tremors throughout the globalist and leftist academic community. Almost immediately, the President of France felt called upon to explain why his country cousins in North America should be disturbed. We were told that nationalism was “the very opposite” of patriotism. Thus, the President of France apparently still recognizes the Stalinist distinction between nationalism and patriotism he learned at university from his leftist professors.
Contents: Malaysia’s Najib Razak condemns Myanmar’s (Burma’s) genocide of Rohingyas at ASEAN summit; Cambodia’s Hun Sen threatens violence at protesters at ASEAN meeting
Contents: Burma’s ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims passes a major milestone; Burma has possible parallels to Pol Pot’s Cambodian Killing Fields
Contents: Uganda lawmakers throw fists and chairs at each other over Museveni’s power grab; Uganda follows a familiar pattern of violence for many African countries; Thailand’s Yingluck Shinawatra sentenced in absentia to five years in jail
Contents: Syria’s Al-Assad, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah score victory in Aleppo; US’s Samantha Power makes excoriating attack on Syria’s al-Assad, Russia, Iran; Human Rights Watch reveals more ethnic cleansing imagery from Burma (Myanmar)
The “Ghost Ship,” the warehouse and artists’ colony where 36 people lost their lives in the Oakland fire last Friday night, was “a serious attempt to bring the Black Oakland culture back into the art scene,” former resident Alexander Doré told Breitbart News. However, that vision was overrun by what Doré referred to as the “Burning Man crowd.”
Just five months before the deadly Oakland blaze where at least 36 people perished Friday night, Derick Ion Almena, 46, the man who is considered the brains behind the “Ghost Ship” artists’ colony claimed to be “the thriller love child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler,” and said, “I can proverbally [sic] get away with murder.”
Contents: US-backed Kurdish militias in Syria make surprise announcement of Raqqa operation; Is Syria’s Bashar al-Assad a ‘necessary evil’?
Contents: Thailand mourns as Massachusetts-born King Bhumibol Adulyadej dies; As unpopular crown prince becomes King, Thailand’s stability is questioned; Today’s musical entertainment: The March of the Siamese Children
Contents: Venezuela’s Maduro accuses US of planning an imminent invasion; Syria peace talks in Vienna collapse in farce – again
Contents: Russia announces a surprise partial military withdrawal from Syria; Opinions vary on why Russia pulled back from Syria now
Witness Meu Peou told a court during an ongoing genocide hearing in Cambodia about a woman the Khmer Rouge executed and ate in front of him.
Turkey, Armenia hold dueling WW1 centennials over genocide and Gallipoli; Turkey commemorates the 100th anniversary of Anzac day and the Battle of Gallipoli; Turkey debates its role in the Armenian genocide; The politics of genocide and rape — in Turkey and elsewhere