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Ebola Death Count Surpasses 1,200

Ebola killed 84 in the first three days of this week, the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN’s health body, said Tuesday. The total number of confirmed deaths due to the Ebola virus has now risen to 1,229, according to

Ebola Death Count Surpasses 1,200

Fireman Ed Extinguishes Talk of Comeback

What can the New York Jets do to restore the mediocre franchise to past glory? Bring back Joe Namath? Okay. Call the New York Sack Exchange back into session? Sure. Encourage a Curtis Martin comeback? Yeah. But bring back Fireman

Fireman Ed Extinguishes Talk of Comeback

Rounds of Golf–Obama: 186 Bush: 24

President Barack Obama has already played nearly eight times as many rounds of golf during his presidency as President George W. Bush did throughout his eight years in office, according to noted presidential chronicler of all things numerical, CBS News’

Rounds of Golf–Obama: 186 Bush: 24

RNC Blasts Obama For 186 Rounds of Golf

The Republican National Committee blasted President Obama for his prodigious golfing habit Thursday. According to a recent RNC tally, since taking office Obama has played 186 rounds of golf, 22 of which have been on Martha’s Vineyard, where the president

RNC Blasts Obama For 186 Rounds of Golf

NFL Returning to L.A. Soon Says Magic Johnson

Magic Johnson says that Los Angeles will have an NFL franchise within 24 months. The city has been without a team since Christmas Eve 1994, when the Raiders lost to the Chiefs 19-9, cleared out their lockers, and moved back

NFL Returning to L.A. Soon Says Magic Johnson

Robin Williams: It Was All Right There In His Eyes

When Robin Williams smiled his whole face smiled … except for his eyes. Williams’ eyes twinkled, moistened, saw right through you, but never smiled. His eyes informed us something else was going on, something deeper; that the character was holding

Robin Williams: It Was All Right There In His Eyes

Rove Influence Set to Lose Alaska Senate Seat

The Tea party-aligned candidate in Alaska’s Republican Senate primary Joe Miller invoked the “R” word, as in Karl Rove, in attacking his two opponents over their stance on illegal immigration. Given the way the immigration issue is now playing nationally,

State Department's Rebuke of Egypt Undermines War on Terror

CAIRO, Egypt– Last Thursday, during a press briefing in Washington, DC, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf accused Egypt of using military weapons “against their own people.” Badr Abdel-Atti, spokesman for Egypt’s Foreign Ministry, fired back, describing the comments as “sheer

State Department's Rebuke of Egypt Undermines War on Terror

Number of Deaths in Iraq Falls Sharply in July, U.N. Says

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Shi’ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his security officials are to blame for the rise of Sunni insurgents who have seized parts of Iraq, the country’s Kurdish foreign minister said. Hoshiyar Zebari’s comments are likely to further

Number of Deaths in Iraq Falls Sharply in July, U.N. Says

Polk County Deputies Recover 100,000 Pot Plants

**UPDATE** The Associated Press reports that the tally of plants discovered and cleared is now 100,000, “worth an estimated $175 million.” HOUSTON, Texas–Deputies with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office responded to a tip from a hunter and discovered tens of thousands of

Polk County Deputies Recover 100,000 Pot Plants

BuzzFeed Embroiled in Serial Plagiarism Scandal

UPDATE: BuzzFeed Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith has announced Johnson’s termination, stating that a review of over 500 posts unearthed 40 instances of plagiarism. “We are deeply embarrassed and sorry to have misled you,” Smith writes. “Benny’s editors — I, Katherine Miller,

BuzzFeed Embroiled in Serial Plagiarism Scandal