child abuse - Page 3

Migrant Mom in Texas Expects Feds to Deliver Abandoned Child to Her

A migrant woman living in Texas told a South Texas border rancher that she “expects” the federal government to deliver her smuggled child to her. A migrant woman, apparently unknown to the family, smuggled the child across the Rio Grande after being handed the child by human smugglers.

A migrant woman carries a two-year-old girl after human smugglers directed her to take the

Exclusive— Ben Carson: Leftists Abuse Children with Masks, COVID-19 Fears, Racial Agitation, Sexual Confusion

Democrats abuse children with mask mandates, COVID-19 fear-mongering, racial agitation marketed as “critical race theory,” and “transgender” ideology, Dr. Ben Carson, retired pediatric neurosurgeon, former Housing and Urban Development secretary, and Secretary and founder of the American Cornerstone Institute, said on Tuesday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with special guest host Jerome Hudson.

US Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson testifies befor