
Jet-Powered Hypocrisy: Richest 1% of Global Elites Emit as Much Carbon as Bottom Two-Thirds

Private jets. Private yachts. Multiple holidays a year. Garages full of luxury vehicles. Investments driving – and profiting from – fossil fuel industries. These are just some of the factors that combine to see global elites, who comprise one percent of the planet’s population, emit the same amount of carbon as the world’s poorest two-thirds, or five billion people, an analysis published Sunday by the nonprofit Oxfam International details.

Taylor Swift gives thumbs up inside a private jet.

World Meteorological Organization Warns Climate Eve of Destruction Is Here

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) issued a warning of almost Biblical proportions Sunday, noting a planet wracked by “climate change trends” that continued through 2022, driving food insecurity and mass migration along with a host of other maladies for mankind from droughts and floods to famine and heatwaves.


Study: World Population Close to Peak and Steep Decline — No ‘Population Bomb’ on Horizon

A study commissioned by the Club of Rome and published on Monday found that the world population is approaching its peak and will begin declining swiftly after the middle of the 21st Century, averting the “population bomb” scenario in which longer lifespans, more abundant food, and better medical treatments cause the human race to overwhelm the capacity of the Earth to sustain it.