Juarez Cartel

Border Patrol in California Seizes 25 AK-Style Rifles Destined for Mexican Cartel

Border Patrol agents in Blythe, California, arrested a California man and his 17-year-old brother after a service K-9 alerted the agents to the presence of a large cache of semi-automatic rifles in their vehicle. In total, agents seized 25 AK-style rifles, two handguns, and ammunition magazines on Wednesday in Blythe, California. Jose Palma Almendariz and his teenage brother now face federal charges related to Wednesday’s firearms and magazine seizure.

Yuma Sector Weapons Cache Seizure (Riverside County Sheriff's Office)

DEA: Mexican Cartels Remain Greatest Criminal Drug Threat to U.S.

Mexican drug cartels continue to be the greatest criminal drug threat to the U.S., federal authorities stated in one of their latest reports. Federal agencies reported that drug cartels in Mexico continue to be the wholesale sources of drugs for street gangs that in turn push narcotics at the local level.

Screen capture of a paramilitary group which vowed to "eliminate" the Zetas, rep

Deadly Cartel Attacks Against Mexican Border State Police Continue

The border state of Chihuahua continues to be a hotbed for violence where cartel gunmen carry out ambushes and attacks on law enforcement officials. The attacks on authorities appear to be an effort to keep law enforcement out of the ongoing fight for control of the state’s lucrative drug trafficking territories and routes.

Mexican Federal Police

Mexican Border State Drug Rehabs Prove Favored Targets for Cartels

The recent attack at a drug rehab center in the border state of Chihuahua brings back a long-standing practice used by cartel gunmen dating back years. Getting to their rivals when their guards are down, gunmen often target drug centers and clinics which often leads to multiple innocent casualties.

Police Tape at Border in Mexico Ciudad Juárez

Murdered Mexican Journalist Exposed Cartel-Government Connection

The murder of a respected journalist in the Mexican state of Chihuahua appears to be driven by her work exposing the close ties between government officials and the Juarez Cartel. One of those investigations pointed to the mother-in-law of a cartel boss trying to run for mayor, while others looked into how the former governor of that state protected certain criminal organizations.

Murdered Journalist

U.S. Media Ignore Mexican President’s Ties to Drug Cartels

U.S. news outlets appear to have forgotten that the Juarez Cartel and multiple acts of corruption have been linked to the election of the current Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto. The Mexican president’s ties to cartels, the mysterious release from prison of major cartel figures during his presidency, and the fact that regions of Mexico are under operational control of these paramilitary transnational criminal organizations during his presidency are rarely, if ever, reported in the U.S. The outrageous number of journalists who have been murdered or who have simply disappeared in Peña Nieto’s Mexico is also rarely reported.

The Associated Press

Drug Trafficker in Juarez Cartel’s U.S. Territory Pleads Guilty

A Roswell, New Mexico man pleaded guilty in a federal court Wednesday to conspiracy and drug trafficking charges. The charges were part of a conspiracy that landed 41 people in jail for their roles in trafficking drugs in an area reported to be under the control of the Juarez drug cartel.


Mexican Authorities Capture Heir to Juarez Cartel

The Mexican government has announced the capture of the man described as the heir to the Juarez Cartel. The capture of Jesus “El Chuyin” Salas Aguayo was not an easy one since the capo and his men appear to have put up a fight in the town of Ahumada Chihuahua. The firefight left at least one person dead and led to Mexican authorities seizing various vehicles, weapons, communication equipment and drugs, said Mexico’s National Security Commissioner Monte Alejandro Rubido in a televised press conference.

El Chuyin

Multi-Agency Raid Targets Barrio Azteca Leadership in El Paso

Dozens of law enforcement raids in the El Paso area have led to the arrest of at least thirty-four people allegedly connected to the Barrio Azteca gang. The arrests stem from a multi-agency task force that obtained indictments on fifty-five individuals on both state and federal charges related to drug dealing, extortion, money laundering and murder. Fifteen people remain at large at this time.

Barrio Azteca Gang Members