Keystone XL Pipeline - Page 3

Energy Expert: Even Obama Admin Admitted Keystone XL Pipeline Was Safe for Environment

Responding to news of the Trump administration’s executive actions moving the Keystone and Dakota pipelines forward, while citing their many benefits, economist Nick Loris told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday, “even the Obama administration’s own State Department said that the Keystone XL pipeline wouldn’t contribute significantly to climate change.”

The Associated Press

Isaac Orr: Trump to Obama’s Energy Legacy: ‘You’re Fired’

President Barack Obama campaigned with the pledge he would fundamentally transform the energy sector of the United States when he took office, and to a large extent, he succeeded. Most of this legacy was strong-armed into law using executive orders and administrative overreach, and, as a result, the survival of his agenda depended upon a presidential administration succeeding him with similar goals and a desire to cement his executive orders into place for years to come.

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley