Margaret Thatcher - Page 2

Gorka: America Is Losing War on Terror

Gorka said he was angry because he knows first-hand the quality of the American fighting man and his equipment, but the decisions made at the top chain of command have wasted the blood and treasure spent.

mtrak Police officer watches passengersas they board a train at Penn Station on November 2

Ex Aussie PM John Howard: The Case For Conservatism

John Howard, former Prime Minister of Australia, has a fair claim to the title “greatest living conservative statesman”. This week, at London’s National Gallery, he was presented by the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE) with the Edmund Burke Award.


Nation-State Populists Celebrate Phyllis Schlafly’s 92nd Birthday

As conservative icon and living legend Phyllis Schalfly celebrated her 92nd birthday this week, leaders throughout the nation-state conservative movement offered their birthday well wishes to a woman whom they described as “America’s Margaret Thatcher,” “our true hero,” and “one of America’s greatest patriots.”

Phyllis Schlafly Library of Congress

Nile Gardiner: ‘Margaret Thatcher Would Be Actively Campaigning’ for Brexit

Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation and a former aide to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon Thursday, “I think she would be greatly saddened by the fact that Britain is still part of the European Union.”

Margaret Thatcher

Thatcher: BBC Assisted the Enemy During Falklands War

Margaret Thatcher accused the BBC of “assisting the enemy” during the Falklands War by broadcasting the moves British troops were likely to make before they actually happened, new documents reveal. Baroness Thatcher wrote that she was “very angry” at how
