Terrorists - Page 6

Refugee Fatah Abdullah Jailed for Mass Casualty Terror Plot to Show Victims ‘Islam Is Here’

An Iranian refugee and Islamic State “fanatic” was jailed for inciting two Islamists, who arrived in Germany during the migrant crisis, to commit a mass act of terror by driving into a crowd in Germany and hacking to death any survivors with meat cleavers and swords. He told the migrants to commit the act of terror to show the victims that “Islam is here”.

Fatah Mohammed Abdullah

Supreme Court Takes on Race, Death Penalty, Rejects Gitmo Case

The Supreme Court added five new cases to its term for fall 2019, including racial discrimination, the environment, the death penalty, and international child abduction. On the same day, the Court refused to dive into declaring new legal rights for Islamic terrorists held by the U.S. military.

The Associated Press