Alex Acosta

Coulter: Get Acosta! But Get the Right Guy, Too

Now that the media is finally, at long last, interested in the 2006 Jeffrey Epstein child sex case, perhaps we can get an answer to the most intriguing question: Why does he keep escaping justice on essentially the same child molestation charges?


Sanders: Alex Acosta ‘Should Resign’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called on Labor Secretary Alex Acosta to resign. Sanders said, “He should resign. Because he was part of a process which really exposes the two-tier criminal

Democratic presidential hopeful former US Senator for Vermont Bernie Sanders looks on duri

Trump Administration Launches Apprenticeship Website

Labor Secretary Alex Acosta said on Monday that the Trump administration has launched a new website to encourage young Americans to consider trade apprenticeships as a viable alternative to a costly and often debt-inducing college education.

The Associated Press