Karl Marx

Wright State Professor Claims University Refuses to Approve Anti-Marxism Economics Class

Professor Evan Osbourne of Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, claims that his university has repeatedly rejected his proposal to teach a course that offers criticism of the philosophy of Karl Marx. Osbourne designed the class in response to several courses offered by his peers in the university’s economics department that promote Marxist teachings. According to Osborne, many of his peers continue to teach students that Marxism is a “triumph of human thought.”

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Teen Vogue Tweets ‘Welcome to Marx!’

In a bizarre move, a major magazine designed to influence an entire generation of teenagers — Teen Vogue — tweeted “Welcome to Marx!,” promoting a 2018 article hailing Karl Marx as a “legend” and adding that the communist philosopher’s ideas “are more prevalent than you might realize.”

The bronze bust on top of the monument at the tomb of German revolutionary philosopher Kar

Chinese Communists Advise Belief in Marx and Lenin, Not ‘Ghosts and Gods’

China’s effort to subjugate religion and firmly establish the primacy of Communist doctrine has already oppressed Christians and marched Muslims into concentration camps. The Party took aim at traditional Chinese superstition this week, strongly advising citizens to put their faith in Marxism and the writings of President Xi Jinping instead of spirits and hexes.

A decorative plate featuring an image of Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen in front of

Gregor: The False Dichotomy of Nationalism Versus Patriotism

Recently, the President of the United States stated that he is a nationalist. That sent tremors throughout the globalist and leftist academic community. Almost immediately, the President of France felt called upon to explain why his country cousins in North America should be disturbed. We were told that nationalism was “the very opposite” of patriotism. Thus, the President of France apparently still recognizes the Stalinist distinction between nationalism and patriotism he learned at university from his leftist professors.

TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump (R), French President Emmanuel Macron (L) and German C

Delingpole: Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. Not.

Today is Karl Marx’s birthday. As you might expect, social media is awash with morons who still live in Mom and Dad’s basement and whose frontal lobes haven’t yet formed, explaining why the tens of millions of deaths caused by communism had nothing whatsoever to do with cuddly misunderstood Karl. And how capitalism is the real evil, mkay?

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