Maine - Page 5

Susan Collins Defends Vote to Convict Trump: It Was a ‘Culmination of Actions’ that Started ‘Even Before the Election’

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) defended her decision to convict former President Donald Trump for the incitement of insurrection during a Tuesday appearance on WLOB radio with host Ray Richardson, explaining that she voted to convict Trump not just based on his January 6 speech alone but his “culmination of actions which started even before the election occurred.”

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), speaks during a US Senate Senate Health, Education, Labor, a

Poll: Trump Takes the Lead in Maine’s Second District

President Donald Trump took the lead in Maine’s second congressional district, according to a poll from the Bangor Daily News, indicating a shift the president’s way in a battleground state that could prove decisive in the presidential election.

FORT WAYNE, IN - NOVEMBER 05: U.S. President Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally for

Thomas College Turns Residential Assistants into Coronavirus Snoops

Thomas College in Waterville, Maine, announced this week that its residential assistants will be encouraged to report coronavirus policy violations by students. The RA’s participated in a two-week training session this month to learn about new policies adopted by the university to mitigate the spread of the virus.

College Dorm Room