Romania - Page 5

Romania’s Ex-PM Ponta In Court On Graft Charges

Victor Ponta, who quit as Romania’s prime minister this week after mass protests, made his first appearance in court on corruption charges. As thousands of people again took to the streets demanding the overhaul of a political system they see

romanian pm ponta

Robert Conquest and Freedom in Romania

Since the August 3 passing of Robert Conquest, the famed scholar of Stalin’s crimes, testimony has emerged that he played a critical role in the fall of Nicolae Ceausescu’s Communist regime in Romania.

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Cuba vs. Freedom: Let the War of Ideas Begin

With a move toward normalization of U.S.-Cuban relations on December 17, 2014, the war of ideas can now begin. This move by the Obama Administration is seen by some as an unwelcome endorsement of the regime of Raul Castro, or

AP Photo/Franklin Reyes

Pro-European Parties Narrowly Win Moldova Polls

Pro-European parties edged out those backing closer ties with Russia in weekend parliamentary elections in ex-Soviet Moldova, which took place against the backdrop of the bloody conflict in neighbouring Ukraine. With more than 87.7 percent of the votes counted, three

Pro-European Parties Narrowly Win Moldova Polls

Brits ‘Too Lazy to Pick Vegetables’

A company that supplies vegetables to major UK supermarkets has claimed that Brits are too lazy to pick vegetables. The company has received planning permission from the government for 52 new caravans where it will house student migrant workers from

Brits ‘Too Lazy to Pick Vegetables’

Romanian Foreign Minister Resigns in Election Row

BUCHAREST (Reuters) – Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu resigned on Tuesday after many Romanians abroad could not vote in Sunday’s presidential election run-off, triggering protests across the European Union state. Corlatean, who was told by leftist Prime Minister Victor Ponta

Romanian Foreign Minister Resigns in Election Row

The Book that Killed a Commie Tyrant

It has often been remarked that the most lethal weapon the West had against Soviet Communism was the truth.  When the truth worked its way through the cracks of the barriers erected by the dictators who ran the place, the

The Book that Killed a Commie Tyrant

Romania's New President Vows to Tackle Corruption

Hours after pulling off Romania’s biggest political earthquake since the revolution which overthrew Nicolae Ceausescu, the country’s soft-spoken new president followed through Monday on his vow to tackle corruption. Klaus Iohannis, the ethnic German mayor of the medieval Transylvanian city

Romania's New President Vows to Tackle Corruption

Returning Bears Pose Dilemma in Europe

If Europeans go down to the woods today they might be in for a big surprise: bears. And in countries no longer used to big predators, it’s no picnic. Reintroduced in parts of western Europe in “rewilding” programmes — in

Returning Bears Pose Dilemma in Europe

Romania's Ponta Favourite to Win Presidential Poll

Romanians vote on Sunday to choose their next president, with Social Democrat and current prime minister Victor Ponta the overwhelming favourite to win. Ponta, 42, goes into the second round of votes with 54 per cent support, according to the

Romania's Ponta Favourite to Win Presidential Poll

Judicial Watch Sues Feds to Obtain Media Monitoring Records

Watchdog group Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Obama Administration in October, in order to obtain records relating to media monitoring plan records.  More specifically, the FOIA is against the Federal Communications

Judicial Watch Sues Feds to Obtain Media Monitoring Records

42,000 Romanians and Bulgarians Take UK Jobs

The Conservative pledge to slow immigration appears to be on the rocks, and those who warned of a flood of economic migrants after work restrictions for new members was lifted at the start of the year have been vindicated after

42,000 Romanians and Bulgarians Take UK Jobs

EU Court Backs Curbs on 'Benefits Tourism'

Judges in a landmark ruling have said EU migrants cannot expect to live off state handouts in another country if they cannot support themselves. In a decision which will be music to the Prime Minister’s ears after a rocky start

EU Court Backs Curbs on 'Benefits Tourism'

Coal-Rich Poland Ready to Block EU Climate Deal

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — European Union leaders meeting in Brussels to stamp their new, ambitious greenhouse gas emissions plan should prepare for unyielding opposition from coal-reliant Poland and some other East European countries who say their developing economies and electricity

Coal-Rich Poland Ready to Block EU Climate Deal

Israel Chides Swedish PM over Palestinian State

Israel has hit out at Sweden’s newly elected prime minister Stefan Loefven over his decision to recognise a Palestinian state. “Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that he regrets that the new prime minister was in a hurry to make statements

Israel Chides Swedish PM over Palestinian State