La Familia Michoacana

Elderly Couple Injured in Mexico When Cartel Drone Drops IED on Home

An elderly couple sustained moderate injuries after a group of cartel gunmen dropped an IED on top of their home using a drone. The incident comes as cartels continue to operate with almost complete impunity in the western Mexican state of Michoacan, where various organizations are fighting a fierce turf war for control of drug production areas and trafficking routes.

A Mexican cartel drone drops an IED on a rival cartel. (Cartel Chronicles)

GRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen Kill 17 Rivals in Mexico, Torch Their Bodies

Authorities in the coastal state of Guerrero are trying to downplay a shootout where at least 17 cartel gunmen died, and several bodies were incinerated. The mass killing comes as Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador continues to claim to have decreased violence and ended criminals acting with impunity in his country.

Guerrero Killing Main (1)

Gunmen Hang Dismembered Body from Overpass in Central Mexico

A group of suspected cartel gunmen left a dismembered body hanging from a pedestrian overpass in central Mexico as criminal organizations announce a new fight over the street-level drug market. During the day, authorities found three more similar crime scenes where gunmen left body parts next to threats.

Mexico Bodyparts

FOTOS EXCLUSIVAS: Carteles Mexicanos Usan Drones Para Tirar Explosivos

Los cárteles de la droga que luchan en una feroz guerra territorial en el oeste de México han encontrado una manera de usar drones comunes como armas al usarlos para tirar artefactos explosivos improvisados ​​(IED en Ingles). Breitbart Texas ha obtenido fotografías exclusivas del algunos de esos explosivos y los métodos utilizados para tirarlos.

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Sicarios en Michoacán Dejan 12 Cuerpos en Camioneta

Un grupo de sicarios dejó doce cuerpos en la caja de una camioneta en el estado de Michoacán. El asesinato masivo sucede en un momento en que dos de los cárteles de drogas más violentos de México han estado librando una fuerte guerra territorial por el control de la producción de drogas y sus rutas de contrabando.

Michoacan 1

Cartel Gunmen Leave 12 Bodies Pickup Bed in Western Mexico

A group of cartel gunmen left twelve bodies in the bed of a pickup truck in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The mass murder comes at a time when two of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels waged a fierce turf war for control of drug production and smuggling routes in the western part of the country.

Michoacan 1

EXCLUSIVO — GRAFICO: Cártel Mexicano Desmembra y Asa a Víctimas Inocentes

MORELIA, Michoacán – Uno de los cárteles mexicanos que lucha por el control de este estado ha escalado en los horrores de sus actividades terroristas a un nuevo nivel de depravación al no solo desmembrar a las víctimas inocentes sino también al asar las partes del cuerpo. Los horrores son parte de lo que se ha convertido en algo cotidiano en este estado, mientras que las autoridades del gobierno continúan minimizando la violencia y aseguran que la región es segura.

Michoacan Terror 1

Rival Militia Leaders Released from Prison in Mexico, Violence Expected

In one of the most turbulent areas affected by Mexico’s drug war, more violence is expected after two rival militia leaders were exonerated by a judge for acting in self-defense.

The March 10 ruling resulted in the release from prison of Hipólito Mora, founder of one of the first so-called autodefensa groups in the town of La Ruana, Michoacan, along with 26 of his men, according to a Vice News report. Luis Antonio “El Americano” Torres, leader of the rival Buenavista group, was expected to be released very soon.

Members of the community police walk near a deceased member of the Knights Templar cartel

Mexico Captures Knights Templar’s Top Boss

The leader of the ruthless Knights Templar Cartel has been arrested following an early morning raid in Mexico. Before becoming a cartel boss he also happened to be an elementary school teacher. Federal authorities carried out a surprise raid shortly before
