Looting - Page 4

Amazon Delivery Van Looted in Santa Monica

An Amazon delivery van was looted in Santa Monica, California, on Sunday during what is now nearly a week-long series of riots that have sparked in cities across the country after the death of George Floyd last Monday.

Amazon delivery trucks

DOJ Looks to Punish Looting, Other Post-Harvey Crime

The Department of Justice announced Thursday that, along with Texas state and local law enforcement officials, it is establishing a “working group” to combat criminals who saw the devastating Hurricane Harvey as an opportunity.

Looting in Houston Sec Camera

Border Bridges Closed Amid Mexican Gas Price Riots

NOGALES, Arizona — Protesters in Mexico continue to take to the streets to voice their anger at the increasing gas prices while chanting “death to the evil government”. The protests have turned violent in multiple states and have also resulted in the temporary closings of various international ports of entry.

The Associated Press