
Exclusive – Jim Jordan: Let Democrats Figure Out What to Do with Joe Biden

Let Democrats figure out what to do with President Joe Biden, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said during a sit-down interview with Breitbart News at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, noting that Biden’s debate performance “underscores some of the comments that special counsel Hur made in his report.” 

WASHINGTON (May 15, 2024) US President, Joe Biden, delivers remarks during the 42nd Annual

Exclusive — Jim Jordan: ‘Totally the Good Lord’ Who Saved Trump; Congress Investigating Assassination Attempt

It was the “good Lord” who saved former President Donald Trump from an assassination attempt on Saturday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said during a sit-down interview with Breitbart News at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and discussed what actions Congress is taking to investigate the tragedy that resulted in the death of one attendee and injuries to two others.

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