Obama calls on Bill 'Mighty Mouse' Clinton to Save The Day

Call me a cynic but we’ve seen this Obama Clinton play before with both the Congress and the American people. Obama will use Clinton to appear statesman-like and Bill Clinton who loves the game and is arguably a good politician at keeping himself relevant who will get what he wants by being relevant to a president who is falling down. 

Fundamentally this is dishonesty in politics. Vulnerable Democrats who supported Obamacare 100% are now concerned about their affiliation with Obamacare and this is political survival 101. On income inequality good luck to Democrats on trying to sell class warfare when Americans are sitting at their kitchen tables and see the reality of which policies are hurting them. It will be successful with the Democrat base but not with independents and center-right Americans.  

Bill Clinton is smart because he helps Obama, then monetizes it due to his power and access which grows his personal wealth. There is a Hillary Clinton benefit factor in this type of meeting as many Americans at first glance don’t separate Bill and Hillary Clinton. Say it with me “Hillary 2016.”

My friends on the right and you sensible Americans need to stay focused on the facts not the hyperbole. Put forth your solutions and work at them towards the 2014 elections. This is going to be a rough ride and the political battlefield will get ugly between now and November. 

The sad prediction for the American people is … economic pain. 


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