Nolte: Citizens Forced to Patrol Japanese Section of Democrat-Run San Jose

City hall stands watch over the rest of San Jose
Derek_Neumann/Getty Images

The city of San Jose has been run by Democrat mayors for 54-years, and now a part of the city called Japantown is so unsafe, citizens are volunteering to patrol the area.

KRON reports that “People in the South Bay are coming together to protect the Asian American community.” The volunteer group is called “Japantown Prepared” and they will “patrol the streets when seniors are most active between mid-morning and mid-afternoon.”

Last Thursday, a 69-year-old Asian woman was viciously attacked and robbed in the area. The terrible crime was caught on video:

How broken are things in Democrat-run San Jose when citizens feel they have to do the job the city is supposed to do?

It’s great that private citizens are agreeing to do this, but do these citizens realize just how big of a breakdown this is of their elected Democrat-led government?

The primary job of government is to protect its citizens, and Democrat-run San Jose is obviously failing in that regard, and not in a small way.

Look at all the terrible things that have been happening in a city where there is not a single Republican on the City Council.

Look at how San Jose celebrated His Fraudulency Joe Biden being declared the winner in 2020,  and yet there are still all these alleged hate crimes against Asians.

It’s so odd how Trump supporters are always attacked as the violent racists, and yet out here in Rural America, where we live, life is good and peaceful. Our streets are safe. The air is clean. The water is clean. There are almost  no reports of hate crimes. We almost all own guns and yet there’s no mass-shootings, almost no gun violence. No race riots.

How come almost all the hate crimes and mass shootings and gun violence happens in cities like San Jose — you know, cities where Democrats have enjoyed a monopoly for decades?

Again, it’s great that private citizens are going to patrol Japantown. I applaud that and hope it improves things for the residents. But how many of those people will wake up and vote to change the Democrat-run government that has so failed the elderly residents of Japantown? How many will vote to change the Democrat-run government that allowed all this racial hate and violence to fester, and then failed to have the resources to combat the results of that festering?

Obviously, San Jose has some real issues, so maybe, for the good of the elderly residents of Japantown, it’s time for a change. Democrats had their chance in San Jose and have failed — miserably.

Or maybe the elderly residents of Japantown should move out to MAGA Country where we don’t have a violent crime/hate crime epidemic?

Where, for the most part, we live together in peace and harmony.

Where people of all colors and races can safely walk the streets.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.


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