Government of Mexico

FAIL: Mexican Politicians React to Trump Comments NOT Directed at Them

Mexico’s President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum and her political allies reacted to a series of comments made by Presidential Candidate Donald Trump that were not directed at them but at U.S. President Joe Biden. The premature reaction by Mexico’s political elite appears to have been fueled by Mexican journalists who mistranslated and widely shared the comments from a poorly edited video on social media.

Juan Ramon de la Fuente, Mexico's incoming foreign minister secretary, from left, Cla

Biden Thanks Mexican President for Extraditing Narco Boss, Silent About Blocking DEA in Mexico

The Biden administration publicly thanked the government of Mexico for extraditing a prominent lieutenant with the Sinaloa Cartel who had been in Mexican custody since November 2023. However, the administration has remained silent about more than a dozen other pending extraditions and the blocking of visas for U.S. agents to work in Mexico. The acknowledgment comes at a time when Biden is relying on Mexico’s efforts to slow down the ongoing migrant crisis at the border.

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - JANUARY 09: U.S. President Joe Biden and President of Mexico Andres

2,000+ Migrants in New Government-Assisted Caravan Moving Through Mexico

More than 2,000 migrants are currently traveling through southern Mexico with the help of government officials and NGOs with the eventual goal of reaching the U.S. border. Calling themselves the Migrant Way of the Cross, the group is currently moving toward Mexico City. From there, the migrants plan to get buses and other means of transportation to eventually reach the U.S.-Mexico border.

Migrant Caravan Main

Biden Admin’s Secret Border Deal with Mexico Delays Onslaught of Migrant Crossings — 50 Percent Drop in Jan.

The number of migrants apprehended along the southwest border with Mexico in January fell by more than 50 percent from the record-shattering report in December. Following dropping approval ratings for President Joe Biden on the topic of immigration and border security and a meeting between the Mexican president and two Biden administration cabinet members, actions taken by the Mexican government led to a drop of more than 125,000 migrant apprehensions in January.

Piedras Negras Mexico (Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)

New Migrant Caravan Leaves Southern Mexico Headed North

A new migrant caravan began walking through southern Mexico to make their way north toward the U.S. border, where some have expressed the expectation of crossing illegally and then requesting asylum or protection. Prior caravans disbanded once they reached Mexico City or along the way when government officials gave them certain travel documents and allowed them to get on buses or airplanes.

Migrant Caravan

CRACKDOWN: Mexican Cops Detain 40 Chinese Migrants Heading to U.S. Border

Mexican authorities detained 40 Chinese migrants who were traveling by bus in southern Mexico on their way north with the goal of reaching the U.S. border. The detention came on the same day that authorities also detained 180 migrants from Central and South America in another location in an apparent crackdown on migrants trying to reach its northern border.

INM Mexico

Cartel-Connected Mexican Mayor Running for Federal Senate Seat

A Mexican politician previously exposed in videos having breakfast with a local cartel boss is now planning to run for a seat in Mexico’s Senate. Despite being the target of police investigations for her alleged ties to organized crime, the politician publicly claimed that any negative press about her is a political attack because she is a woman.

guerrero massacre

206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) officers rescued 206 Central American migrants trapped in a sealed semi-tractor trailer. The Guatemalan and Honduran migrants, including women and children, told authorities cartel smugglers drugged them to inhibit the urge to use a bathroom during the trip. The migrants were encountered in the Mexican state of Veracruz on Saturday evening.

National Institute of Migration officers find 206 migrants, including small children, drug

Mexico Investigates Fugitive Cop for Purchase of Spy Software Used on Journalists

Authorities in Mexico announced a new investigation into one of its former top law enforcement officials and some of his closest staff in connection with the purchase of illegal spy software. The software — Pegasus — is a phone hacking application that government officials used to spy on journalists. The former official is currently a fugitive on multiple charges tied to a coverup of the mass killing of 43 education students from Ayotzinapa.

cyber attackers

REPORT: Mexican Government Exaggerating Narco-Lab Seizures

Various Mexican news outlets are reporting that Mexico’s government has been exaggerating the number of drug-producing labs being seized. The allegations come at a time when various U.S. politicians have accused Mexico’s government of not doing enough to stop drug cartels.

US President Joe Biden meets Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico's president, center,

Mexican Politicians Hold Midnight Vote to Militarize Federal Police

Mexico’s lower congressional chamber held a midnight vote that gave ultimate control of their civilian federal police force to the nation’s military. The move sparked much controversy as Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and his party had campaigned to de-militarizing the country as a way to diminish the rampant cartel violence.

Central American migrants who crossed the Suchiate River from Guatemala to Mexico are stop

150 Migrants Found in Mexico in Trailer Bound for Texas Border

Mexican government immigration officials found a group of 150 migrants locked inside a tractor-trailer headed to the Texas-Mexico border. Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents coordinated with the Mexican authorities to rescue the migrants from the life-threatening situation.

Mexican authorities find 150 migrants locked in tractor-trailer bound for the Texas border