New York Times - Page 4

Nancy Pelosi Partially Blames Kathy Hochul for Democrats Losing the House

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in an interview with the New York Times, briefly reflected on the Democrat losses in the U.S. House of Representatives, concluding that they likely could have held on to the lower chamber if Democrats in New York — namely, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) — realized that crime was a major issue for voters in the state.


NYT Attacks ‘Heightism,’ Calls to Mate with Short People to Save Earth

Being short is “better” for the planet and future, according to a recent New York Times piece that describes short people as “inherent conservationists” who save resources by consuming less and are “best suited for long-term survival.” The essay’s author, who boasts of her “tiny” children who “eat like gerbils” and thus help “save money and food,” also calls for mating with a short partner as “an effective way to help the planet” because it can decrease the “needs of subsequent generations.”

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