Texas Floods

Rev. Al Sharpton Blames Texas Flooding on God, HVAC

Reverend Al Sharpton has some deep thoughts about the natural disaster that has killed at least 17 people in Texas and Oklahoma in the past week. In a tweet sent out Wednesday, Sharpton wondered whether the disaster was “God’s rebuke” or the result of “climate control.”


Oil Crash and Rain Drive Texas Manufacturing Downward

Despite rebounding oil prices, manufacturing in Texas in on a downward slide. A report from the Dallas Fed stated that manufacturing fell further than expected to reach the lowest level since June 2009. The heavy rains and flooding in Texas is also impacting Texas manufacturing.

Texas Fed Graph

Institutional Left Exploiting Texas Floods for Political Gain

With devastating floods ravaging counties across Texas, the establishment Left isn’t waiting for rescue workers to finish cleaning up the mess before they declare the culprit: climate change deniers. Let’s look at some Texas history to see if 2015’s extreme weather is a sure sign climate change deniers are leading us to towards a disaster movie ending.

The Associated Press